Trump canceled a speech with the NRA and interviews with several news agencies citing exhaustion. It looks like the old man is falling apart and Kamala is running ...
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Who benefited most from Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017? Not lower-income or middle-income earners. Example: Middle-income earners with incomes between about $49,00 ...
Military leaders who served under Trump sound the alarm about him winning a second presidency. Gen Mark Milley, Sec of Defense Jim Mattis, National ...
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Why did so many of the long standing board members leave the PTO between last year and this year? They did a great job and everything seemed to run seamlessly whe ...
Harris will follow Obama's doctrine of getting control of the schools use them to push their current propaganda and soften curriculum - get control of the teacher u ...
In an attempt to distance themselves from Harris, some down ballot democrats are now apparently aligning themselves with Trump hoping to remain in office. I perso ...
Mexico has lotS of oil under its land - the United States citizens are owed tens of billions of dollars for the generous free health care - welfare - and ACLU care they ...
Donald Trump is bringing people together in ways no one had ever imagined was possible! Ten years ago, who could have imagined that Dick and Liz Cheney and Bernie ...
I see a lot of comments describing County education . Here is one that probably won’t get published . Last month I stopped in and bought a small coffee gave the gi ...