It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Church member at my job wants help raising money for a bad idea I work for a small church, of which I ...
It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker won’t answer my boss's questions I work for a very small ...
Several past coworkers have reached out to me on LinkedIn asking about a job posting at my company. The only thing is ...
There is a small family-owned butcher shop near me. They list job postings on their Facebook page, and I've noticed every time they post ...
I once worked for an organization where, years before, an IT person had created a database in an obscure coding language. He was long gone and no one knew ...
I’m the staff liaison to the board for updating the HR policies at a nonprofit where we’re transitioning to independence from our fiscal ...
I have a tricky situation involving prior sexual harassment/creepy behavior by a potential future coworker at a job I’m applying for. A ...
Several times recently, we've had new graduates accept a job at our company, then quit after their first week with no notice. Should I ...
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Telling a new employee he’s not cut out for the job I began managing a new team last month. The team ...
I'm off today. This was originally published in 2017. A reader writes: I enjoy wearing perfume, but tend to stick to indie oil scents, since the smell ...
I'm off today. This was originally published in 2017. A reader writes: Every month, my work has a “pep rally" where the whole staff gets together to ...
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. My coworker does extreme sports whenever she’s out sick I have a coworker, "Pattie," who has a remote ...