Msgr. Martinelli told AsiaNews that it is ‘urgent’ to relaunch the Church's ‘presence’ in the country tormented by conflict and violence. The testimony of the nuns, the work of Caritas and the local ...
Fighters of the Belucistan Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the attack in which three people died, two of whom were ...
I combattenti dell’Esercito per la liberazione del Belucistan hanno rivendicato l’attacco in cui sono morte tre persone, di ...
As Tbilisi prepares to vote in the parliamentary elections on 26 October, President Salome Zurabišvili is more and more ...
In Israel, relatives of the 7 October victims in an alternative ceremony return to demand inchjiesta on the responsibilities of the Netanyahu government; Duterte runs again for ...
Le notizie di oggi: in Israele i parenti delle vittime del 7 ottobre in una cerimonai alternativa tornano a chiedere inchjiesta sulle responsabilità del governo Netanyahu. Duterte si ricandida ...
Mentre Tbilisi si prepara al voto per le elezioni parlamentari del 26 ottobre la presidente Salome Zurabišvili si propone ...
In a letter to the region’s Catholics on the anniversary of 7 October, the pontiff expresses his closeness to all those who ...
AsiaNews met with Archbishop Mathieu on the sidelines of the Synod, a few hours before the announcement of his elevation to ...
苏巴斯·韦林卡(Subhash Velingkar)是这项请求的幕后黑手。这是圣人遗骸十年展览开始前一个月。抗议活动随之而来。社会正义与和平委员会执行秘书萨维奥·费尔南德斯神父呼吁社会和谐。当地多名政界人士以维林卡的言论冒犯宗教情绪为由采取了法律行动 ...
In una lettera ai cattolici della regione nell'anniversario del 7 ottobre la vicinanza a tutti quanti patiscono a causa della ...